This is asking for trouble in China where the definition of what constitutes a state secret is particularly strict, especially when it comes to business or economic information. 这种行为在中国简直就是引火烧身。中国对国家机密的定义十分严格,尤其是在商业或经济信息方面。
A research report headed by senior economists in China has predicted a huge gap will occur in China's pension system as early as 2013, Economic Information Daily reported. 据《经济参考报》报道,由资深经济师牵头发布的一份研究报告预测,到2013年,我国养老金体系将出现重大资金缺口。
Project approval consultation: company registration, application of construction project, services in economic information. 项目报批咨询:公司登记注册、设项目申报、济信息服务等。
In a sense, economic information is embodied in archive information. 经济信息从某种意义上说都体现为档案信息。
Currently, financial news outlets can't sell data and news articles in China without a license from the China Economic Information Service, a division of Xinhua news agency. 目前,外资金融信息供应商在没有获得新华社旗下中国经济信息社颁发的牌照前不能销售数据和新闻服务。
Accounting: The process of identifying, recording, summarizing, and reporting economic information to decision makers. 会计:识别,记录,汇总,并报告经济信息给决策者的程序。
Caribbean Economic Information System 加勒比经济信息系统
Xinhua, which also regulates foreign news service operations, has long been the sole intermediary for agency distribution of news and economic information to Chinese media. 长期以来,新华社一直是外国通讯社向中国媒体发布新闻和经济信息的独家中介机构,同时还负责监管在华的外国新闻业务。
Investment Advisory, economic information consultation and act as purchasing agency tickets, tickets. 投资咨询、济信息咨询,代购车票、票。
Microeconometrics-on the boundary between economics and statistics-is a methodology for studying micro data, i.e., economic information about large groups of individuals, households, or firms. 瑞典皇家科学院介绍说,介于经济学和统计学之间的微观计量经济学是一门用来研究微观数据的方法学。
The paper discusses joint stock economys quality requirements for economic information by analysing economic informations quality characteristics, and put forward restriction conditions. 本文通过分析经济信息的质量特征,探讨了股份经济对经济信息的质量要求,并提出了约束条件。
Statistical and Economic Information Bulletin 统计及经济资料公报
Middle star shaped represent economic, reflected the mutual interaction hands economic information, facilitate communication. 中间星状代表经济,体现了中美双手相互互动经济信息,促进交流。谢谢!
This paper mainly introduces some searching methods and techniques of the economic information through the Internet. 主要介绍互联网上经济信息检索的一些方式和技巧。
Professor Sims suggested a new way of studying economic information over time. 西姆斯教授提出了一种研究临时变动经济信息的新方式。
On technical and economic information exchange in oversea PM industry 浅议国外粉末冶金行业的经济技术交流与合作
"The current data show China has already crossed the Lewis turning point, and at the same time the window of the demographic dividend will soon close," Ba Shusong wrote in the economic information daily. “目前的数据,确认了中国已经越过刘易斯拐点,同时,人口红利窗口期也即将关闭,”巴曙松在《经济参考报》撰文表示。
China is to Build a national economic information network to accelerate the transition to a socialist market economy. 中国将建立一个全国性的经济信息网。以加快向社会主义市场经济的转变。
White collar workers are beginning to feel the squeeze of inflation, as rising prices drag down quality of life for low and middle-income households, Economic Information Daily reported. 《经济参考报》消息,物价的持续上涨,使白领们也感到通胀的压力,部分中低层白领生活质量下降。
Examines the use of economic information and analysis in making business decisions. 审查经济情报和商业决策分析的使用。
Accounting information is economic information which reflects value movement status of accounting subject gaining from accounting practice. 摘要会计信息是人们通过会计实践获得反映会计主体价值运动状况的经济信息。
No key US economic information is expected on the day. 今日没有值得关注的美国经济数据。
State of the basic economic information used in the system of national accounts in developing countries; 发展中国家国民核算制度所用基本经济资料状况;
However, some of the children have divulged economic information, become involved in intelligence networks or sold information and documents. 但是现在确有个别干部子弟泄露经济情报,卷入了情报网,出卖消息,出卖文件。
A survey analysis of the demand for talents majoring in economic information management in Chongqing 重庆经济信息管理专业人才需求情况调查分析
Economic information warfare, blocking or channelling information to pursue economic dominance. 经济信息战,通过封锁或传播信息实行经济上的控制。
Strengthening business contacts, communication economic information, mutual provision of services. 加强业务联系,沟通经济信息,相互提供服务。
China sees a year-end rally in the number of house transactions and housing prices, the Economic Information Daily reported. 据《经济参考报》报道,年底多数都会再现成交量、房价齐涨“壮观”。
The research of economic information analysis analyses its development in three aspects: theory, method and application. 《经济信息分析研究》从理论、方法、应用三方面进行了研究。